Select a listing to share with your friends!
Choose your property
    Choose your parking spot
      Choose which listing for this spot to share
        • We emailed a verification link to the address you used to create your account. Click the link in your email to verify your account.
          Don’t see it? Resend email.
          We sent you a text message with a verification code. Enter the 6-digit code below to verify your account.
          Didn’t get our text?
        Back to Login
        Account Disabled
        This account is disabled. Please contact support for assistance.
        Email: Phone: (855)727-7391

        Forgot Password
        Reset Password Already have an account? SIGNIN

        Check your email for instructions on how to reset your password.

        Share listing

        Give friends and family FREE ACCESS to your parking spot.

        Chicago, IL 60611
        Chicago, IL 60611

        Valid from DEC 30, 2016 5:45 PM
        End on
        Clone Spot

        Are you sure, you want to clone this Spot?

        Clone listing

        Are you sure, you want to clone this listing?

      • 1234 Example St.
      • Chicago IL 66166, Spot #189
      • You have granted the following FREE ACCESS to your parking spot.

        Longfirstname Evenlongerlastname
        Valid from DEC 30, 2016, 5:45 PM
        Ends on DEC 30, 2016, 11:00 PM
        Add new user


        Have a promo code? Hey, you’re one of the lucky ones! Enter it below to reveal your secret prize.

        Happy Day! You just unblocked a discount in free parking credits.

        They’ve been added to your list of available credits, below. Have another code?

        Note: Usage terms may apply to this promotion and will always be included with your credits below.

        Your available credits:


          $5 of credit available*

          You’ve used $20 of $25 available. Expires X/XX/XXXX at 11:59pm (EST)

          * USAGE TERMS: This credit may be applied up to 5 times in maximum increments of $5 per transaction.


          $0 credit available

          You’ve used ALL of $5 available.

          USAGE TERMS: This credit applies to first-time users only. Cannot be combined or re-used.


        Choose how you'd like the ParqEx app to appear.

        Defult ParqEx

        The default ParqEx app theme soft colors and appearance.

        Activate default Theme

        Light Mode

        Brighter backgrounds, dark text, high contrast for easy reading.

        Light Mode Activated

        Dark Mode

        High contrast white text over dark backgrounds. Easy on the eyes.

        Activate Dark Mode

        Thank you for your feedback.


        You’ve been given a
        parking pass!

        [FIRST] [LAST] has transferred this spot reservation to you.
        Claim to get FREE ACCESS to this parking spot!

        1234 Example St. Chicago IL 66166 Spot #189

        • Reservation starts: DEC 30, 2017 @ 12:01 AM

        • Ends: DEC 30, 2017 @ 11:59 PM

        WARNING: We can only hold this reservation for 1 hr. If the payment is not made within 1hr, the reservation will be cancelled.


        Reminder! You have a
        reservation coming up.

        1234 Example St. Chicago IL 66166 Spot #189

        • DEC 30, 2017 @ 12:01 AM

          • Arrive/depart Set your own arrival & departure times.
          • All day (24-hour access) Enjoy all-day, in-and-out privileges all month long.
          • Daytime parking (Same times each day) Book parking for the same times during each day of your reservation.
          • Overnight parking (Same times each night) Book parking for the same times during each night of your reservation.
          • Weekdays only (24-hour access) Book all-day parking for all the weekdays (Mon-Fri) of the month. No weekend parking.
          • Weekends only (24-hour access)Book parking for every weekend (Sat & Sun) of the month. No weekday parking.
        • In: Sep 3 Out: Sept 5 (9a-5p).

        • FIND PARKING!
        • In: Sep 3 Out: Sept 5 (9a-5p).

        You are now viewing filtered results. CLEAR FILTERS



        Sort by




        About this parking spot

        The owner has listed this parking spot with following amenities:

          Back to spot details

          Availability Restrictions

          • Only available between 8:30a - 6:00p on 10/9/2018
          • Only available between 8:30a - 6:00p on 10/10/2018
          Back to spot details

          This listing has special terms

          The owner has required special terms or lease documents for this listing. For security reasons, you will need to contact the owner and request access to these documents in order to proceed in booking this listing.

          Request access to terms

          Guest info (Required)

          We use this info to create a ParqEx account for your guest and transfer the reservation to them.

          Guest vehicle info (Optional)

          If you know any info about the vehicle your guest will drive, select or enter it now. If you’re not sure, no problem -leave it blank. Your guest will be able to enter it later.
          Change Model

          Select Vehicle
          Change Model
          Add permit information

          We have pulled a stock photo based on the vehicle information you’ve entered. Please know that while you are not required to upload your own photo, it is extremely beneficial to provide a photo of your car with your license plate in the photo. It is 100% secure and allows spot owners to easily identify your vehicle to ensure no one else is in your spot.


          We use Stripe to securely store your payment info for quick
          checkout on this site and others. More info


          We use Stripe to securely store your payment info for quick
          checkout on this site and others. More info

          SAVE & RETURN

          Spot booked!

          Use the Property Access+ to access your parking spot.
          We have also sent you an email with this information. Reminder: Please transfer this booking to your guest using the GuestParq Transfer button below or from the Order Details page.


          Don’t have the mobile app?

          Download the free ParqEx app on your phone
          and access your spot from the palm of your hand!

          • googleplay
          • apple
          • Search as the map moves

            Redo my search in the map

          Availability Restrictions

            Cannot park on the following dates :


              Sorry, this parking spot is sold out. Please try again.


              You have an active ongoing transaction at this property that you will be charged for when you exit the property using Access+. If you have exited the property and need to end the ongoing reservation, please contact ParqEx customer support. If, you wish to reserve another parking space, click PROCEED to place the order.

              Cancellation Policy

              Cancel for a full refund up until 2 hours before the start time on the reservation. Once your monthly subscription has begun, there will be no pro-rated refunds.



              Confirmation Message

              Delete Vehicle
              • Are you sure, you want to delete this vehicle?
              Delete Vehicles
              • Are you sure, you want to delete selected vehicles?
              Vehicle Image
              Vehicle Image
              Change Model
              Add permit information

              We have pulled a stock photo based on the vehicle information you’ve entered. Please know that while you are not required to upload your own photo, it is extremely beneficial to provide a photo of your car with your license plate in the photo. It is 100% secure and allows spot owners to easily identify your vehicle to ensure no one else is in your spot.

              UPLOAD NEW PHOTO
              Heads up!
              You have active, ongoing reservation with a different vehicle, would you like to update the reservation with this vehicle information?
              Yes No
              You cannot add duplicate licenseplate
              WARNING! You must enter accurate vehicle information to avoid getting ticketed or towed!
              Change Model
              License plate image
              vehicle image

              not your vehicle? click here to remove

              Driver License


              Auto Insurance


              We use Stripe to securely store your payment info for quick
              checkout on this site and others. More info


              We use Stripe to securely store your payment info for quick
              checkout on this site and others. More info

              SAVE & RETURN

              Order History

              Order Date
              Order Id

                Order details

                  You will now park at spot 231
                  Now through March 24,2019


                  Starting through March 24,2019
                  you must park at spot 231



                  This is an active booking. TIME REMAINING:

                  This is a ParqEx Access+ Property Access the Property Access+

                  Availability Restrictions
                  Blackout dates

                  Cannot park on the following dates :

                    How to access this spot
                    Special instructions
                      Vehicle Info
                      Order receipt
                      Order ID:
                      Parking fee:
                      Service fee:
                      Past reassignments

                      Click to view reassignment history for this parking spot.

                      Rate this spot!

                      Let the spot owner and other renters know about your experience.

                      Publish review
                      Cancellation policy

                      You may cancel your reservation for a full refund at any time, up until two hours before the start time of the reservation. Monthly subscriptions can be cancelled at any time as well, however will remain in effect until the end of the month in which the reservation was cancelled. Please contact the ParqEx support team if you have any questions.

                      Guest info (Required)

                      We use this info to create a ParqEx account for your guest and transfer the reservation to them

                      Guest vehicle info (Optional)

                      If you know any info about the vehicle your guest will drive, select or enter it now. If you’re not sure, no problem -leave it blank. Your guest will be able to enter it later
                      Change Maker
                      Change Model

                      Select Owner/Resident

                      Guest info (Required)

                      We use this info to enroll your guest and their vehicle information so they can park in your community

                      Guest vehicle info (Required)

                      Guest Vehicle: You must enter accurate guest vehicle information to avoid a violation. You are responsible for the accuracy of the guest vehicle information. Inaccurate information will result in vehicle getting ticketed / towed.
                      submit reset
                      Change Maker
                      Change Model

                      Add vehicle

                      Change Maker
                      Change Model

                      You’ve been given a parking pass!

                      [FIRST] [LAST] has transferred this spot to you.
                      Claim to get FREE ACCESS to this parking spot!

                      1234 Example St. Chicago IL 66166 Spot #189


                      Your request has been sent to the owner. Please look out for an email with instructions.


                      Owner dashboard

                      MY PERSONAL INFO
                      MONTHLY SALES
                      ALL-TIME SALES

                      Payments are processed on the 1st and the 15th of each month. Please allow additional time for checks.

                      NOTIFICATION CENTER
                      You have no notifications.
                      RECENT CONVERSATIONS Go to inbox

                        No recent conversations!

                        MY RESERVATIONS
                          Showing 3 of 10 reservations. See all >

                          No recent reservation!

                          MY PROPERTIES
                            Showing 2 of 2 properties.

                            No properties!

                            MY LISTINGS
                              Showing 3 of 421 listings.

                              No listings!

                              Need a parking spot? You know we have thousands! Find the perfect parking spot anywhere in or outside of the city.

                              Find a spot
                              MONTHLY STATEMENTS
                              Set up Direct Deposit (ACH) to enjoy instant cash-out.
                                Showing 3 of 12 statements.
                                View all statements

                                No monthly statements!

                                MY PAYOUT INFO

                                No payout info!

                                Showing 5 of 5 payout methods..
                                Add a payout method
                                Document Management

                                  You have no Documents!

                                  Need any assistance ?

                                  How to rent your parking on the ParqEx? Check out this video.

                                  Renter dashboard

                                  MY PERSONAL INFO
                                  Your order history

                                    You have not yet parked with ParqEx.

                                    Find parking
                                    Recent Conversations Go to inbox

                                      Own a parking spot? Put it to work for you! Why not list your spot on ParqEx? It only takes a minute and you can start earning immediately!

                                      List your spot
                                      MY VEHICLES

                                        No vehicle!

                                        In order to rent a parking spot, you will need to add your vehicle information.

                                        Add a vehicle
                                        Showing 2 of 2 vehicles.
                                        Add a vehicle
                                        MY FAVORITE SPOTS

                                          Loved it? Save it!

                                          Your Favorite listings will show up here. Click the blue star on the Parking Details page to save your favorite spots for a later date!

                                          Find parking
                                          MY DRIVER INFO

                                          Driver info missing!

                                          In certain scenarios, we may need your driver's license and auto insurance information. your information will always remain secure.

                                          • MY DRIVER’S LICENSE
                                            Lic. #:
                                            OH Exp:
                                          • MY AUTO INSURANCE

                                            Policy #:
                                          MY PAYMENT INFO

                                          You have not yet added a payment method.

                                          Add a new card
                                          Showing 2 of 2 payment methods.
                                          Add a new card

                                            You have no Documents!

                                            Need any assistance ?

                                            How to find a parking spot on the ParqEx app? Check out this video.

                                            Assign this parking spot a new user and give the ability to manage availablity.

                                            Allow this user to manage pricing for this spot

                                            Selected user(s) has been given permission to manage availability.

                                            Delete property

                                            Deleting this property will result in all of the parking spots and the listings associated with this property to also be deleted! Please proceed with caution.

                                            To proceed, type DELETE into the text box below and hit the confirm button.


                                            Unable to Delete Property when there is an active reservation. Please cancel reservation.

                                            Delete Spot

                                            Deleting this parking spots will result in all of the listings associated with this property to also be deleted! Please proceed with caution.

                                            To proceed, type DELETE into the text box below and hit the confirm button.


                                            You don’t have any parking spots!

                                            Hey that’s OK, it’s really easy to get started. Just click this magic button:

                                            List a parking spot

                                            Manage Parking

                                            You have parking spots at the following properties. Click to view, edit, and manage your parking spots and listings.

                                              Edit property info

                                              icon STEP 1 OF 3

                                              Enter property info

                                                • 1234 Avenue Lane, Chicago, IL 33333
                                                • 10239 Street Road, Chicago, IL 33333
                                                • 312 IsGreatBeer, Chicago, IL 33333
                                                • + Add a new property
                                              • Show Advanced Settings
                                              Next Back to “Select a property”

                                              Heads Up! This property has already been claimed by an owner. If you own or manage a parking spot at this location and wish to rent out your parking spot, click here to check if you have already been set up.
                                              If you are looking to rent a parking spot at this property, click here.
                                              Need help? Click here to contact us

                                              icon STEP 2 OF 3

                                              Select or add a parking spot

                                              My parking spots

                                              Please choose or add a parking spot for your new listing.

                                              icon STEP 1 OF 3

                                              Select or add a property

                                              My properties

                                              Please choose or add an address for your new parking spot listing

                                              Edit spot info

                                              • Renting open to:
                                                Internal Tenants
                                                Select one
                                                  Select one
                                                    Is the parking spot unassigned?
                                                  • sample templates
                                                  • Select one
                                                    • Spot is open and available
                                                    • Doorman will give access
                                                    • I will meet you at the entrance
                                                    • Instructions will be emailed
                                                    sample templates

                                                  Edit your listing

                                                  You are editing an active listing.
                                                  icon STEP 3 OF 3

                                                  Create your listing

                                                  Just set your pricing and availability! A preview of your listing is displayed below.

                                                  12314 South Cicero Avenue Alsip, IL, United States Public parking garage
                                                  Description Wrigley VIP parking w/ electric charging, easy 24/7 in-&-out access!
                                                  Parking spot number 1332
                                                  Instructions Please do not back in to parking spot.
                                                  Amenities Indoor
                                                  Gated entry
                                                  Electric charging available

                                                  Coming soon to mobile!

                                                  This feature is currently only available on computer browsers. Please log in to your account on a computer to set custom availability setting. Stay tuned-this feature will be available soon on mobile!

                                                  Well done!

                                                  Your spot is now available for rent on
                                                  ParqEx — The Private Parking Marketplace.

                                                  Listing updated!

                                                  Your spot is now updated and available for rent on
                                                  ParqEx — The Private Parking Marketplace.

                                                  Share your listing!

                                                  Let your friends know you have a parking spot to rent!

                                                  • 12314 South Cicero Ave., Alsip, IL, 66066 $100/month Dec 31 - July 31 / 12a - 12p

                                                  Edit booking & lead times, cancellation, & extension

                                                  Minimum booking time

                                                  If you require a renter to book a minimum number of hours, enter that number here.

                                                  Lead time

                                                  How much notice do you require before a person can book your spot? (Tip: You’ll appear in more search results with low or 0 lead time.)

                                                  Cancellation notice

                                                  How much notice do you require befoure a person can cancel a booking? (Default is 2 hours for short term, 30 days for long term.)

                                                  Checking this box will allow your renters to extend their parking reservation if they need more time in your spot.

                                                  • How long can renters extend for?

                                                  The renter is able to extend the reservation on an open-ended basis.

                                                  • Add a surcharge for extensions?

                                                  Enter the amount or Percentage you want to add for extended stays.

                                                  Changes saved!

                                                  Your changes will now be reflected in your
                                                  Manage Parking dashboard, where you may
                                                  further edit or publish your listing.

                                                  Listing unpublished

                                                  Your listing is no longer available to the public for rent.
                                                  You may edit or re-publish this listing at any time
                                                  from your Manage Parking dashboard.

                                                  • Or leave this listing open-ended
                                                  • WARNING! Remove all of your property members! Please proceed with caution.

                                                    To proceed, type REMOVE into the text box below and hit the confirm button.

                                                  Owner profile

                                                  Owner profile

                                                  Please take a minute to complete your profile

                                                  You only have to do this once, and then you are free to run wild on the ParqEx app!

                                                  Renter profile

                                                  Renter profile

                                                  Please take a minute to complete your profile

                                                  You only have to do this once, and then you are free to run wild on the ParqEx app!

                                                  Reservation details

                                                  Renter information

                                                  Vehicle information

                                                  THIS SPOT HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY REASSIGNED

                                                  You will now park at spot 231
                                                  Now through March 24,2019

                                                  UPCOMING TEMPORARY SPOT REASSIGNMENT

                                                  Starting through March 24,2019
                                                  you must park at spot 231


                                                  Fri, Mar 14, 2017 11:00a


                                                  Fri, Mar 14, 2017 11:00a

                                                  Transaction Details
                                                  Paid on: 1 month
                                                  Rent: $100.00
                                                  Refund Amount:
                                                  Renter Discount:
                                                  ParqEx Fee:
                                                  Owner Promotion:
                                                  TOTAL PAYOUT:
                                                  Renter information
                                                  Vehicle information
                                                  Availability Restrictions
                                                    Blackout dates

                                                    Cannot park on the following dates :

                                                      Past reassignments

                                                      Click to view reassignment history for this parking spot.

                                                      Vehicle deleted by user

                                                      Rate your renter!

                                                      Let other spot owners know about your experience.

                                                      Publish review
                                                      Cancellation policy

                                                      You may cancel your reservation for a full refund at any time, up until two hours before the start time of the reservation. Monthly subscriptions can be cancelled at any time as well, however will remain in effect until the end of the month in which the reservation was cancelled. Please contact the ParqEx support team if you have any questions.

                                                      Settings Sign Out





                                                      Extend Your Time
                                                      • Duration:


                                                      Message sent to owner.


                                                      If you're a spot owner and you want to have ParqEx set up your Property Access+, tap below!

                                                      Relax, you don't have to
                                                      do anything after you
                                                      tap the button below!

                                                      Once you confirm your request for the
                                                      Property Access+, we will contact you to
                                                      schedule a time to come out to your property.

                                                      We'll install a small piece of hardware at your
                                                      property that allows the ParqEx app to
                                                      communicate with your garage door.It takes
                                                      minutes and will not damage your property.

                                                      Than, we will configure your garage door
                                                      opener within your ParqEx account and
                                                      you're good to go!

                                                      Rather talk with us? Call 855.727.7391

                                                      Your request was sent!

                                                      We will contact you very soon (at the email
                                                      address registered to your ParqEx account)
                                                      to schedule a time to install your new,
                                                      install your new Property Access+!

                                                      In the mean time, if you have any questions,
                                                      you can always talk to us at 855.727.7391

                                                      Property Access+ is available at the following locations:

                                                        WARNING! Please verify your vehicle information to avoid getting towed! click here



                                                        You are now viewing filtered results.

                                                          • Apr 24,201811:15PM

                                                          • Matt Schaefer

                                                            Apr 24,201811:15PM

                                                          Event Details

                                                          LPR Access List
                                                          Events captured within 1 min of the granted Access

                                                            123 Sample Address,Chicago,IL 60611

                                                            User vehicle info (Optional)

                                                            Valid from

                                                            Valid to



                                                            Seperate tags with commas

                                                            123 Sample Address,Chicago,IL 60611
                                                            Are you sure you want to
                                                            remove this user from this
                                                            Vivek Mehra
                                                            Out of Range, You must be within 100 feet of the garage door to operate.

                                                            We are in the process of refreshing your access please wait! seconds
                                                            Give us a call.
                                                            Email us for Support.
                                                            Chat with a Parking Specialist.
                                                            How can we help you, -FIRSTNAME-?

                                                            Add your phone

                                                            Why? If you forget your password, we can send you a text message (SMS) with a code to get you back into your account. It's also important for receiving notifications and messages from the ParqEx app.

                                                            We do not charge for any messages we send to your phone. Standard text messaging fees charged by your carrier may apply.


                                                            We'll remind you the next time you sign in, but you can always add your phone from your account

                                                            Check your phone!

                                                            We sent a six-digit code via SMS to:


                                                            Resend    |      Wrong number

                                                            Enter the six-digit code below to link this phone number to your ParqEx account.

                                                            We'll remind you the next time you sign in, but you can always add your phone from your account

                                                            You've added your phone to your ParqEx account!

                                                            Now if you ever forget your password, we can send you a password reset code directly to your phone! You can now get notifications and messages from the ParqEx app as well.

                                                            You can manage your mobile numbers and toggle SMS notifications from your account


                                                            If you have not received response, click here to contact ParqEx customer support for help.

                                                              Spot says..

                                                              Messages you send or receive will show up here, and you can access them anywhere on the web or on your phone.

                                                              Receive notifications for:

                                                              Sms Notification

                                                              Email Notification


                                                              Your password has been changed.

                                                              Choose your payment method
                                                              Payments are processed twice per month.
                                                                Check Payable To
                                                                Set up your PayPal account
                                                                PayPal is an online payment processing service that
                                                                allows you to accept and receive secure payments.
                                                                Sign into your Chase QuickPay account.

                                                                Chase QuickPay allows you to quickly accept and receive secure payments online. Please enter either your email or your phone number to continue.

                                                                Add your Google Wallet account.

                                                                The Google Wallet is designed to give you a fast, free way to receive money. When you receive money through Google Wallet, you can quickly cash out to your bank account using a debit card or linked bank account.

                                                                Direct Deposit (ACH)
                                                                You can find your bank routing and account numbers on the bottom of your checks.
                                                                You can find your routing and account numbers on most savings account cards.

                                                                RESERVATION CANCEL

                                                                Are you sure, you want to cancel this reservation?
                                                                You are cancelling your subscription and will not be charged for the next month. Would you like to proceed?

                                                                RESERVATION CANCEL

                                                                Unable to cancel this reservation. Cancellation policy allows you to cancel a reservation up until 2 hours before the start time on the reservation. Contact ParqEx support for help.
                                                                • Get Paid!

                                                                  Are you sure you want to transfer in this account?
                                                                Reservation Cancel

                                                                Unable to cancel this reservation. Cancellation policy allows you to cancel a reservation up until 2 hours before the start time on the reservation. Contact ParqEx support for help.

                                                                Reservation Cancel
                                                                Are you sure, you want to cancel this reservation?
                                                                You are cancelling your subscription and will not be charged for the next month. Would you like to proceed?
                                                                No Yes
                                                                Cancel Recurring Monthly subscription
                                                                You are cancelling your monthly recurring parking rental subscription. Your parking rental will not auto-renew and you will not be charged for:
                                                                Your parking will remain in effect until Aug 31, 2020 11:59 PM.
                                                                No Yes
                                                                Reservation cancelled

                                                                Reservation cancelled

                                                                Find a better / different parking spot?

                                                                Error : Unable to cancel Subscription. Please contact customer support.


                                                                Advanced settings for

                                                                1234 Example St. Chicago, IL 66166
                                                                Manage, add or restrict who can rent a parking spot or create listings at this address.
                                                                Public help-icon
                                                                Internal Tenants help-icon
                                                                Public & Internals help-icon
                                                                Short Term Rentals help-icon
                                                                Monthly Rentals help-icon
                                                                Assigned help-icon
                                                                Unassigned help-icon
                                                                Yes help-icon
                                                                No help-icon
                                                                First Name
                                                                Last Name
                                                                Allowed to Reserve
                                                                SELECT ALL
                                                                Allowed to List
                                                                SELECT ALL


                                                                You've added all of new members to this property.

                                                                entries could not be added. See Error


                                                                Add a property member

                                                                This user will be able to create listing at this property.


                                                                Batch upload property members

                                                                You can batch upload a list of all of your property members by their email addresses and permissions. .XLS files only.

                                                                Download our template XLS file (Highly recommended)

                                                                Choose file

                                                                Note: Your upload will override any existing member settings above so check for duplicates before procceeding!

                                                                Advanced Settings for

                                                                1673 East 35th Street Brooklyn, NY 11234

                                                                Public help-icon
                                                                Internal Tenants help-icon
                                                                Public & Internals help-icon

                                                                Select the audience allowed to rent parking spots at this property.

                                                                Short Term Rentals help-icon
                                                                Monthly Rentals help-icon

                                                                Specify if tenants can transfer their reserved parking spots to guests.

                                                                Assigned help-icon
                                                                Unassigned help-icon

                                                                Determine whether spots are assigned to specific users or available on a first-come basis.

                                                                Yes help-icon
                                                                No help-icon

                                                                Define whether spots will be assigned to users and they can set availability and/or price.

                                                                Edit property info

                                                                *Please enter correct address *Please select property type
                                                                • 1234 Avenue Lane, Chicago, IL 33333
                                                                • 10239 Street Road, Chicago, IL 33333
                                                                • 312 IsGreatBeer, Chicago, IL 33333
                                                                • + Add a new property

                                                                Manage User Permissions


                                                                You've added all of new members to this property.

                                                                entries could not be added. See Error


                                                                Add/Import Users

                                                                Single User help-icon
                                                                Multiple User help-icon

                                                                Allowed to Rent
                                                                Allowed to List

                                                                Add users in bulk using the steps below. The template allows for registering the user, with options to send email & SMS notifications when the account is created. In the file, you can select options to register for MailChimp notifications, add a property to their Favorite, add a promo code to the user profile and add the user to the internal list of a property (This enables "Book for a Guest").

                                                                STEP 1: Download the template file (highly recommended) click here to download template XLS file
                                                                Required Fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number and Password.
                                                                Optional Fields: Promocode
                                                                STEP 2: Upload the file with the new users list [Choose File button]
                                                                Choose file
                                                                STEP 3: Enable user notifications
                                                                Send signup notifications
                                                                STEP 4: Click on the SUBMIT button below for processing. You will be notified once the task is complete.

                                                                Total Users:
                                                                Internal List:

                                                                Edit Permissions

                                                                Allowed to Rent
                                                                Allowed to List
                                                                Remove User

                                                                Are you sure, you want to remove this user?


                                                                Add Document

                                                                First Name
                                                                Last Name
                                                                Upload document


                                                                You have lose this access deu to cancel this spot.


                                                                • Search

                                                                Parking History

                                                                Upload Document
                                                                Upload document

                                                                Advanced pricing and availability settings

                                                                Choose a date and enter the hours of availability and pricing in the right column. You can choose as many dates as you like, change the times the spot is available each day, or keep it all the same. Offering monthly parking? Just check the box and choose the starting date.

                                                                DELETE SELECTION RESET CALENDAR
                                                                Unavailable to book
                                                                Indicates a reservation
                                                                • Unavailable
                                                                • Custom setting
                                                                • Reservation
                                                                • Blackout

                                                                Label this setting for easy reference

                                                                This setting is not available for the current configuration.

                                                                Please note:

                                                                You are making changes to an active listing. Saving will update your published listing on the ParqEx Marketplace immediately.

                                                                Are you sure you want to reset your calendar?

                                                                This will erase all advanced settings and changes you have made on the calendar. If you delete these settings, your default settings on the previous "Create your listings" page will reactivate.

                                                                • Unavailable
                                                                • Custom setting
                                                                • Reservation
                                                                • Blackout

                                                                To get started, choose a date or series of dates on the calendar.

                                                                Set availability or black out

                                                                Choose the start and end times that your renter can park in your spot. Or, set when your spot is blacked out. No one will be able to park in your spot during black out time.

                                                                • Checking this box will make your spot available ONLY for the times you've selected above. No one can book your spot outside of these times.

                                                                • Checking this box will black out your spot for the times you've selected above. No one can book or park in your spot durting these times.

                                                                Set pricing overrides for your listing by the hour, day, week, or month. Learn more about pricing

                                                                That's a pretty pricey spot
                                                                You've priced your spot substantially higher than the norm for this area. We suggest dropping it a bit closer to the average.

                                                                That's a pretty pricey spot
                                                                You've priced your spot substantially higher than the norm for this area. We suggest dropping it a bit closer to the average.

                                                                That's a pretty pricey spot
                                                                You've priced your spot substantially higher than the norm for this area. We suggest dropping it a bit closer to the average.

                                                                That's a pretty pricey spot
                                                                You've priced your spot substantially higher than the norm for this area. We suggest dropping it a bit closer to the average.

                                                                Heads up!

                                                                You have a customized date within this selection. If you proceed, any existing settings within this selection will be overridden.

                                                                Yes, proceed

                                                                Wednesday, October 18, 2018

                                                                This is a recurring setting

                                                                Cubs vs. Reds

                                                                This is the day the Reds come in and we'll charge more for hourly parking at our spot. The rest of the month will be the normal,ALL-DAY parking.No one may park in the spot one this day out side of the hours l've set.This is just an example of a long description.

                                                                Wednesday, October 18, 2018

                                                                This is a recurring setting

                                                                Cubs vs. Reds

                                                                This is the day the Reds come in and we'll charge more for hourly parking at our spot. The rest of the month will be the normal,ALL-DAY parking.No one may park in the spot one this day out side of the hours l've set.This is just an example of a long description.

                                                                Are you sure you want to delete your selection?

                                                                This will erase all advanced settings you have made on the calendar for this selection. If you delete these settings, your default settings on the previous "Create your listings" page will reactivate.

                                                                Your current setting will override existing setting. Do you wish to continue?

                                                                Your current setting will override recur setting. Do you wish to continue?

                                                                Editing a recurring setting

                                                                You are editing a setting that you've set to recur:

                                                                Every Monday until 12/31/18

                                                                Please tell us if you want to:

                                                                Monday, October 9,2018
                                                                • 8:30a-6:00pWork times hours
                                                                • 8:30a-6:00pWork times hours
                                                                • 8:30a-6:00pWork times hours
                                                                • 8:30a-6:00pWork times hours

                                                                Unable to make changes when there is an active reservation. Please contact ParqEx costomer support.

                                                                Setting saved!

                                                                Your customized setting has been updated on your calendar.

                                                                This setting is now deleted.

                                                                This customized setting has been removed from your calendar. Your default settings have now been reactivated.

                                                                TIP: if you are trying to delete your listing entirely, you may do so in your Manage Parking dashboard.

                                                                Select from the list below
                                                                or transfer to a new guest

                                                                Are you sure you want to unpublish this listing?

                                                                This will remove your public listing for rent from the ParqEx Marketplace. However, you may edit or re-publish this listing at any time from your Manage Parking dashboard.

                                                                To cash out instantly, you will need to set up

                                                                Direct Deposit (ACH) with ParqEx.

                                                                Get paid with a click - it's easy, quick, and secure!
                                                                You only have to set this up once.

                                                                Set up Direct Deposit (ACH) Cancel
                                                                Cancel Transfer
                                                                Are you sure, you want to cancel transfer reservation?
                                                                No Yes
                                                                No result found for this search criteria.
                                                                • Or leave it open-ended (no end date)
                                                                We are unable to get your current location because your location services are turned off. Please turn on your location services and allow ParqEx app to access your location to enable this feature.
                                                                Please select Parking type
                                                                We are unable to get your current location because your location services are turned off. Please turn on your location services and allow ParqEx app to access your location to enable this feature.

                                                                Your reservation is extended.

                                                                Are you sure, you want to delete user ?
                                                                NO YES
                                                                User deleted successfully.
                                                                You have stayed longer than the initial reservation period from



                                                                You will be charged for the additional time.

                                                                Payment Successful

                                                                You have not permission for this door.

                                                                Is someone in your spot?
                                                                Let's try to find you another spot at this property. Here are the available spots at this property:
                                                                Reassign to spot:

                                                                Is someone in your spot?
                                                                Sorry for the inconvenience, please take a picture of the vehicle in your spot and enter the details below so we can address the issue.
                                                                Add Notes:

                                                                Is someone in your spot?
                                                                Let's try to find you another spot at this property. Here are the available spots at this property:
                                                                Reassign to spot:

                                                                Report Violation
                                                                Sorry for the inconvenience, please take a picture of the vehicle in your spot and enter the details below so we can address the issue.
                                                                Add Notes:

                                                                Your parking spot has been reassigned.

                                                                You don't have any active parking reservation.
                                                                If you like to record a violation click on the report violation from the menu.

                                                                Your request has been submitted successfully.

                                                                Delete Listing

                                                                Are you sure, you want to delete this Listing? Please proceed with caution.

                                                                To proceed, type DELETE into the text box below and hit the confirm button.

                                                                You have an active unpaid order. Our last attempt to process the payment using the credit card on file was not successful. The reason provided by your bank was "". Please update your credit card and retry making the payment from the order details or contact your bank. Feel free to contact our customer support for additional help at or (+1)(855-727-7391).

                                                                Are you sure, you want to delete this address?
                                                                No Yes
                                                                Temp Access Code

                                                                Warning, anyone with this code can use it to gain access to your property.

                                                                Valid from
                                                                Valid to
                                                                Tag Name:

                                                                (Seperate tags with commas)

                                                                Tag Color:

                                                                Tag Name:

                                                                (Seperate tags with commas)

                                                                Tag Color:

                                                                Temp Access Code
                                                                Valid from

                                                                Valid to


                                                                Temp Acces Code is not recommended for more than 24 hours.

                                                                This user already has access for this period. A user cannot be given access to overlapping duration. Please correct the duration and try again.


                                                                SPOT DETAILS:

                                                                AVAILABILITY RESTRICTIONS:

                                                                • Only available between 8:30a - 6:00p on 10/9/2018
                                                                • Only available between 8:30a - 6:00p on 10/10/2018
                                                                • Blackout dates

                                                                  Cannot park on the following dates :

                                                                  • Blackout between 8:30a - 6:00p on 10/9/2018
                                                                  • Blackout between 8:30a - 6:00p on 10/10/2018


                                                                The owner has listed this parking spot with following amenities:

                                                                  SPECIAL TERMS:

                                                                  The owner has required special terms or lease documents for this listing.


                                                                  This listing has special terms

                                                                  The owner has required special terms or lease documents for this listing. For security reasons, you will need to contact the owner and request access to these documents in order to proceed in booking this listing.

                                                                  Request access to terms


                                                                  Your request has been sent to the owner. Please look out for an email with instructions.


                                                                  SPOT SIZE:

                                                                  CANCELLATION POLICY:

                                                                  Cancel for a full refund up until 2 Hours before the start time on the reservation. Once your monthly subscription has begun, there will be no pro-rated refunds.

                                                                  CONTACT OWNER:


                                                                  Your message was sent to the owner. Please check your Inbox for a response from the owner.

                                                                  Contact Support

                                                                  Having an issue with your account, parking spots, reservations, or just need to talk to ParqEx?

                                                                  Live Chat Support
                                                                  Start chat


                                                                  Making this change will impact all users.

                                                                  Remove User

                                                                  Are you sure, you want to remove this user?


                                                                  Vehicle size is larger than the parking space and may not fit.

                                                                  Remove Registered Guests
                                                                  • Are you sure, you want to remove Guest?
                                                                  Parking Logs
                                                                  Event History

                                                                  Email sent successfully.


                                                                  Thank you for your business!

                                                                  Delete User

                                                                  To proceed, type DELETE into the text box below and hit the confirm button.


                                                                  User deleted successfully.

                                                                  Sample Templates

                                                                  Sample Templates

                                                                  Delete Signed Document

                                                                  Are you sure, you want to delete this Signed Document?

                                                                  Verify Signed Document

                                                                  Please confirm that this document has been verified.

                                                                  Update Document
                                                                  Archive Signed Document

                                                                  Are you sure, you want to Archive this Signed Document?


                                                                  User deleted successfully.

                                                                  Add Parking Permit
                                                                  Valid from March 09, 2023 5:45 PM
                                                                  Valid to March 09, 2023 5:45 PM

                                                                  Delete Parking Permit

                                                                  Are you sure, you want to delete this Parking Permit?


                                                                  Parking Permit added successfully.

                                                                  Acitivity History